

Doctor of Public Administration

About Doctor of Public Administration



Study Program Status Active
Higher Educa Diponegoro University
Study Program Code
Name of Study Program Doctor of Public Administration
Level S3 (Doctoral)
Date of Establishment
Decree of Organization
Date of Decree
Address Doctor of Public Administration Jalan Erlangga Barat 7 No. 35 Semarang, Indonesia
Postal Code



    In 2025, it will become a center for education, research and development of superior quality human resources in the implementation of Public Administration





    1. To improve the mastery of knowledge, skills and expertise in the field of public administration,
    2. To produce quality human resources in the field of public administration science research,
    3. To improve the professionalism and competence of resources in the implementation of public administration, and
    4. To improve services and dedication to the community.





    1. To produce graduates who are able to master the field of public administration science so that they are able to think, behave, and act as public administration scientists,
    2. To produce graduates who are able to follow the development of knowledge and technology in public administration science,
    3. To produce graduates who have high professional skills in the field of research and development of public administration disciplines,
    4. To produce graduates who have the ability to find, understand, explain and formulate ways to solve problems in the field of public administration with a multidisciplinary perspective through community service,
    5. To produce graduates who are able to produce knowledge in the field of public administration science,


    Jalan Erlangga Barat 7 No. 35 Semarang, Indonesia
    Tel :  24 – 8451567 / 0812-2952-8515
    Email : prodidap[at]