In order to face the changes into PTN-BH Diponegoro University continues to improve by trying to develop human resources by organizing the In-House Mindset Development for Performance Undip PTN-BH, Thursday (4/8) in ICT Undip Tembalang.Diponegoro University rector said that the changes become PTN-BH also requires all elements to change, especially human resources.

“The change of status is expected to change all the elements at Diponegoro University, so Undip can move faster and be able to compete with the other universities in the world” he said.

“The previous leader has been instilling a strong foundation. Now, it is our task to implement and improve Undip to a better level”

“The training was attended by 107 participants, including heads of section and sub-section head with the hope that we can improve the service well, from the smallest we invite to run, all of the assets in Undip should be utilized properly” Rector said.